Doctor Who has been my favorite show since 2010.
I've rewatched the episodes so many times throughout the years that I've got them all memorised.
I've even converted my entire family into Doctor Who fans.
It was the first thing I was ever a die-hard fan of.
(And no, I was never one of those SuperWhoLock people. Ew.)
"You know the sound the TARDIS makes? That wheezing, groaning? That sound brings hope wherever it goes. To anyone who hears it, Doctor."

Doctor Who is a British science fiction show. It started running in 1963 up until 1989. That period is known as Classic Who. It was rebooted in 2005 and is still going to this day.
That's what I'll be talking about here, the modern reboot, since that's what I grew up watching.
It's about the adventures of a Time Lord called the Doctor, an alien from the planet Gallifrey. He looks just like a regular human. Except he has 2 hearts and can regenerate. And he's ooooold. Centuries old.

He explores the universe in a time-travelling spaceship called the TARDIS. (Stands for: Time and Relative Dimension in Space) The TARDIS looks like a small blue police box on the outside. But it's bigger on the inside...I mean, HUGE.
The Doctor and his companions are always saving the Universe from a load of different aliens who either want to change the course of history or exterminate entire solar systems, and whatever else evil aliens do. I mean, come on, I just love watching the Doctor travel to Victorian England to enjoy Christmas and then he ends up running into a bunch of Cybermen trying to DELETE people from existence.
Fun facts
- It's a pretty big part of British pop-culture.
- The TARDIS looks like a police box, because it uses a 'chameleon circuit' to blend in with it's surroundings as a disguise. One day it broke so now it looks like that permanently.
- The show has been running for so long because the transition from one actor to another is written into the plot with the concept of regeneration into a new incarnation, a plot device where a Time Lord "transforms" into a new body when the current one is close to death.
- There's actually a real-life asteroid named after the TARDIS [Asteroid 3325 TARDIS].
- Doctor Who words have MADE IT INTO THE DICTIONARY!!! In 2017, sonic screwdriver was added to the Oxford English Dictionary, which defined it as "a (hand-held) electronic device which uses sound waves to perform various mechanical and technical functions. Originally and chiefly in (or in reference to) the British television series Doctor Who." The words TARDIS, Dalek, and Cyberman are in there too.
- The time-vortex in the openings of S1-S4 are colour-coded. A blue time-vortex means the episode takes place in the past. A red time-vortex means the epsiode takes place in the future. (If it were up to me, the colours would be switched.)


TARDIS in time vortex

The Doctor's regeneration
My Favourites
Doctor: 11th.
Companions: Donna, Amy, Clara
Other characters: Captain Jack Harkness, Strax, Vincent van Gogh (LOL), Wilfred, Craig
Aliens: Cybermen, Weeping Angels, Vashta Nerada

10th Doctor
11th Doctor
12th Doctor
There are loads of incarnations of the Doctor but these three are the best. My favourite is the Eleventh Doctor because he was my first Doctor. I like how he's hilarious and whimsical. I love his style too. Bow ties are cool.


The Doctor always travels with companions, he doesn't like travelling alone (TAKE ME WITH YOU). My favourites are Donna, Amy and Rory.
Donna's really funny and I like her sarcasm.
I love her dynamic with the Doctor and how they were just two best mates exploring time and space. I love Amy and Rory, because uhh, rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia.
There are waaaaay too many aliens in the show for me to name them all, so I'll just show you guys the coolest ones.

The Cybermen are cyborgs from the planet Mondas who forcefully convert humans into more Cybermen to populate their ranks while also removing their emotions and personalities. I love these guys. Their design is so awesome.

Come on. Everybody knows these guys. If you don't... you should be EXTERMINATED!!!

Weeping Angels
The angels are coming for you, but listen, your life could depend on this: don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you could believe.

Vashta Nerada
Talk about turning something as mundane as shadows into something terrifying. Vashta Nerada are the shadows that melt the flesh. I would name my kid that.
Some of my favourite episodes. The highlighted ones are episodes you should watch if you've never seen a single episode of Doctor Who in your life.
S02 E03 · School Reunion
S02 E04 · The Girl in the Fireplace
S02 E07 · The Idiot's Lantern
S03 E08 · Human Nature
S03 E10 · Blink
S03 E12 · The Sound of Drums + S03 E13 · Last of the Time Lords
S04 E01 · Partners in Crime
S04 E08 · Silence in the Library
S04 E10 · Midnight
S04 E12 · The Stolen Earth + S04 E13 · Journey's End
S05 E01 · The Eleventh Hour
S05 E04 · The Time of Angels + S05 E05 · Flesh and Stone
S05 E06 · The Vampires of Venice
S05 E10 · Vincent and the Doctor
S05 E11 · The Lodger
Christmas Special 2010 - A Christmas Carol
S06 E01 · The Impossible Astronaut + S06 E02 · Day of the Moon
S06 E11 · The God Complex
S07 E05 · The Angels Take Manhattan
Christmas Special 2012 - The Snowmen
Seriously, you read all that? If you wanna start watching the show, you should stop reading now. Because spoilers.

Anyway. I'm not too excited for the new season of Doctor Who. I was so happy when I heard David Tennant and Catherine Tate were coming back
for the Christmas specials, and that RTD was going to write for the show again. The first special was alright, I liked seeing the Doctor and Donna meet again. But the rest of the episode was lame.
The second special was the BEST DAMN EPISODE IN YEARS (since Capaldi left). Had me on the edge of my seat. I watched it 3 times.
The last special started off so good and the villain was genuinely creepy but
the episode had one of the worst fucking endings I've ever seen. I can't even describe it in words. They ruined the show. What the fuck is a bi-generation??
That wasn't even the worst episode. 10 minutes into the 14th Doctor's first episode and that's when I knew I was done. I need the Men in Black to nuke my brain so I can forget about it.
I saw the trailer for the next season and the only thing that interested me was the one episode where it seems like they travel to the 60's and meet The Beatles.
I'll be watching that one because I like the 60's and I like The Beatles and I like(d) Doctor Who.
12/5/24 - Thoughts on 'Season 1'
I know Doctor Who was getting bad, but wow. Nothing prepared me for this. This is probably the worst series to air this decade. Even worse than Velma. It's really gone to shit now. I don't hate it for the same reasons as some racist and homophobic people do though. They dislike it for the wrong reasons. But there's just something off about it. It's not what it used to be. I know the point of regenerations is to bring in something new and fresh, but damn. I just can't continue watching this anymore. I'm also convinced that the people saying they liked it are being paid to say that.
Space Babies was a horrible episode. 1/10. They really must be running out of ideas now. Unfunny, boring episode. That one 'emotional' scene was just laughable. The Devil's Chord had an interesting premise and started off good, but went to shit in the second half. And that musical number in the end was so fucking annoying and unnecessary. 3/10.
What I like about it: Ruby. She's cool.
What I don't like: The new Doctor. I don't like his personality, or the OBNOXIOUSLY ANNOYING way he talks ("babes"), or that horrible re-design
for the sonic screwdriver. I hate his atrocious outfit too.
If it were up to me, I would have Daniel Anthony play the Doctor.
He'd be the perfect Doctor. He was so awesome in The Sarah Jane Adventures. He was my favourite character because he was so funny and clever.
I'd do anything to see him back on television. Actually, I was just rewatching The Sarah Jane Adventures today because I needed to
cleanse my brain.
RTD's writing skills have diminished. Actually, considering the fact that all your bodily cells are replaced about every 7-10 years, this isn't even the same dude anymore. The RTD we once knew and loved is gone. RIP.