Young Dracula
I was obsessed with this show as a kid and would not miss a single episode.
Rewatched it after finding all the episodes on YouTube (I should probably download them before they get lost in the sands of time for the rest of eternity...)
It holds up extremely well even after all these years, and it's actually hilarious.
The show ran on CBBC back in the mid-2000s.
It's about a family of vampires that move from Transylvania to a small town in Wales (LOL) after getting chased out by pitch-fork wielding peasants.
- Vlad:The main character, and the whiny kid that has cool powers but wants to throw it all away and become a "normal human". (Seriously dude?!)
- Ingrid: Vlad's older sister who's always trying to impress her dad by being edgy and showing off how "evil" she is. Not that it'll ever work since she's a GIRL and Vlad is the son and heir to the throne, so who gives a shit about Ingrid, amirite?(...Dracula's words, not mine.)
- Count Dracula: aka The pRinCe oF dArKnEsS. (My favourite character alongside Renfield.) He's Vlad and Ingrid's dad and he really wants Vlad to act like a proper vampire.
- RENFIELD: Count Dracula's servant. He hopes that the Count would bite him someday. Honestly, I don't even know how to describe this dude. Even though he's severely unhygienic and an idiot, he's crazy funny, endearing and loyal, so I'll let it slide.
- Robin: Vlad's best friend. A human boy who wants to be a vampire REALLY bad. (This dude...!! He's just like me, for real.) Honestly, he even looks more like a vampire than Vlad himself.
- Eric van Helsing: Vlad's woodwork teacher who is also actually.......wait for it......you'll never believe it........... a SLAYER!!(Bet you didn't see that one coming, huh?) This desperate dude is obsessed with trying to slay the Draculas. It's hilarious but sometimes he just gets annoying.
- Jonno van Helsing: Eric's son, and the poor kid is always getting embarassed by his dad who wants him to be a Slayer too.

[The first few seasons are lighthearted and pretty campy, but in the later seasons it gets slightly darker with a better budget. It's awesome when a show matures alongside it's audience.]