Title: Gattaca
Year: 1997
Genre: Sci-fi/Thriller
Cast: Ethan Hawke,
Uma Thurman, Jude Law
In a future society driven by eugenics, where children are conceived through genetic selection to ensure they possess the best traits of their parents, Vincent, who was conceived outside the eugenics program, has always fantasized about traveling into outer space, but is grounded by his status as a genetically inferior "in-valid". He decides to fight his fate by purchasing the genes of a laboratory-engineered "valid", named Jerome Morrow. He assumes Jerome's DNA identity and joins the Gattaca space program, where he falls in love with Irene. An investigation into the death of a Gattaca officer complicates Vincent's plans.
>Interesting facts
>The title is based on the letters G, A, T, and C, which stand for guanine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine, the four nucleobases of DNA.
>NASA considers this as one of the most plausible sci-fi movies ever made.
My thoughts
Maya Hawke must be honoured that this film created her, lol...
Anyway, I remember watching this movie after seeing it mentioned in a visual novel I was reading.
I'm glad I was curious enough to check it out. It became one of my favourite movies of all time.
This is a special movie. A movie about overcoming odds and breaking restrictions that society places on us.
Vincent's perseverance and determination to get what he wants and prove everyone wrong shows the strength of the human spirit.
I think of Gattaca when I feel like an unmotivated failure.
Whenever I feel like I can't go on anymore, and am about to give up,
I remember what Vincent says about not holding back.
(Wow, did someone order pizza with extra cheese?)
I love the cinematography, especially the use of colour. The sleek, pristine, retro-futuristic look of the movie is gorgeous.
I mean, just look at the screenshots in the gallery. Not too over the top, simplicity is beauty.
I love all the little details and symbolism too. The fact that the title of the movie is named after the nucleobases of DNA.
Even Jerome and Vincent's names have special meanings. 'Jerome' = genome and 'Eugene' = eugenics.
'Vincent' means 'prevailing' or 'conquering' in Latin and 'Freeman' ...well, that should be obvious. Then there's the beautiful
spiral-shaped staircase that resembles a DNA helix.
The ending makes me cry and I rarely ever cry.
"For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it.
Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home."